Delta-RS & DuckDB: Read and Write Delta Without Spark

I have used Apache Spark (often as Azure Databricks) for some years and see it as a sledgehammer in data processing. It is a reliable tool built on JVM, which does in-memory processing and can spin up multiple workers to distribute workload to handle various use cases. It does not matter: whether small or considerable datasets to process; Spark does a job and has a reputation as a de-facto standard processing engine for running Data Lakehouses.

There is an alternative to Java, Scala, and JVM, though. Open-source libraries like delta-rsduckdbpyarrow, and polars often written in more performant languages. These newcomers can act as the performant alternative in specific scenarios like low-latency ETLs on small to medium-size datasets, data exploration, etc.

This article is a form of POC exploration with a bit of benchmark to see what is currently possible.

So why Delta-RS and DuckDB?

  • Delta-RS library provides low-level access to Delta tables in Rust, which data teams can use in data processing frameworks. It also provides bindings to another higher-level language – Python.
  • DuckDB is an open-source in-process SQL OLAP database management system.

The solution is a combination of those two libraries with Apache Arrow as the columnar in-memory format:

Figure 1: Data processing high-level
Figure 2: Data processing high-level

Prepare a clean environment.

First thing first, let’s prepare the clean Python environment. I am going to run the code on Apple M2 Pro; however, all snippets must be compatible with Linux and WSL of Windows 10/11:

mkdir delta-rs
cd delta-rs
python3.10 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
touch delta-rs-exploration.ipynb
code .

When VS Code is launched, choose a recently created Python environment in the notebook kernel selection:

Figure 2: Select the Python environment
Figure 3: Select the Python environment

That’s it, the sandbox is ready, and we are good to go.

Generate Sample Dataset using PySpark.

We must generate sample data first to proceed with delta-rs testing. So let’s first install pyspark and dbldatagen. The last one is a Databricks Labs project and data generation tool.

%pip install pyspark==3.3.1
%pip install dbldatagen==0.3.4
%pip install pyparsing==3.0.9

The next step is to initialize spark. The following code will run spark in the minimalistic version to avoid UI overhead:

from pyspark.sql import SparkSession

spark_jars = (
spark = (
    .config("spark.jars.packages", spark_jars)
    .config("spark.sql.extensions", "")
    .config("spark.ui.showConsoleProgress", "false")
    .config("spark.ui.enabled", "false")
    .config("spark.ui.dagGraph.retainedRootRDDs", "1")
    .config("spark.ui.retainedJobs", "1")
    .config("spark.ui.retainedStages", "1")
    .config("spark.ui.retainedTasks", "1")
    .config("spark.sql.ui.retainedExecutions", "1")
    .config("spark.worker.ui.retainedExecutors", "1")
    .config("spark.worker.ui.retainedDrivers", "1")
    .config("spark.driver.memory", "16g") 

Since spark must be installed and initialized by now, it is time to generate a simple dataframe with ten million rows of sample data using dbldatagen

import dbldatagen as dg
from pyspark.sql.types import IntegerType

row_count = 10 * 1000 * 1000
test_data_spec = (
    dg.DataGenerator( spark, name="test_data_set1", rows=row_count, partitions=4, 
                      randomSeedMethod="hash_fieldname", verbose=True, )
    .withColumn("purchase_id", IntegerType(), minValue=1000000, maxValue=2000000)
    .withColumn("product_code", IntegerType(), uniqueValues=10000, random=True)
        data_range=dg.DateRange("2017-10-01 00:00:00", "2018-10-06 11:55:00", "days=3"),
        expr="date_add(purchase_date, cast(floor(rand() * 100 + 1) as int))",
    .withColumn("name", "string", percentNulls=0.01, template=r'\\\\w \\\\w|\\\\w A. \\\\w|test')
    .withColumn("emails", "string", template=r'\\\\w.\\\\w@\\\\', random=True,
                 numFeatures=(1, 6), structType="array")
df_test_data =

And then check the dataframe content before materializing it:

# returns: 10.0
df_test_data.count() / 1000_000           
|purchase_id|product_code|purchase_date|return_date|                name|              emails|
|    1000000|        7503|   2017-10-07| 2017-11-28|      pariatur F. ut|[elit.sunt@veniam...|
|    1000001|        7740|   2018-04-02| 2018-04-12|          ut G. quis|[|
|    1000002|        6891|   2018-03-14| 2018-03-22|anim H. reprehend...|[irure.aute@velit...|
|    1000003|        3751|   2017-12-26| 2018-02-25|                test|[nostrud.adipisci...|
|    1000004|        8015|   2017-11-05| 2017-12-07|         qui laboris|[aute.voluptate@n...|

Let’s now save it as a delta dataset (generated by pyspark)


At this point, the sample dataset was generated and materialized. For the sake of the performance comparison between PySpark and DuckDB, I will read it back from Delta and then run a sample analytics query:

df_read_delta ="delta").load("delta/sample_dataset")

query =  """ 
	count(distinct purchase_id) as purchases,
	count(emails) as emails
from sample_dataset
group by purchase_date
order by 2 desc
limit 5


|   2018-08-21|    79148| 82085|
|   2018-08-12|    79132| 82024|
|   2018-02-03|    78976| 81911|
|   2018-04-29|    78913| 81813|
|   2018-05-23|    78897| 81849|

The query execution duration was 4.5 seconds on my laptop, and I will execute it eventually, also using DuckDB, to match the performance of data engines.

Run a query on a sample dataset using Delta-RS and DuckDB.

Firstly, let’s add missing libraries. Delta-RS currently has two implementations: in Python and Rust. Because I continue exploring a Python version I have to install and import a package deltalake: It also installs dependencies like pyarrow and numpy if they are missing. In the same step, I also include pandas and duckdb required for querying and data manipulation

%pip install deltalake==0.8.1
%pip install pandas=1.5.0
%pip install duckdb==0.7.1

Let’s check if we can use  delta-rs to reveal the dataset’s history generated by PySpark

from deltalake import DeltaTable
dt = DeltaTable("delta/sample_dataset")


[{'timestamp': 1682098489708,
  'operation': 'WRITE',
  'operationParameters': {'mode': 'Overwrite', 'partitionBy': '[]'},
  'isolationLevel': 'Serializable',
  'isBlindAppend': False,
  'engineInfo': 'Apache-Spark/3.3.1 Delta-Lake/2.1.0',
  'operationMetrics': {'numFiles': '4',
   'numOutputBytes': '480488931',
   'numOutputRows': '10000000'},
  'txnId': 'ee54da7d-4dad-4652-b24f-813d6cf5633f'}]{'type': 'struct',
 'fields': [{'name': 'purchase_id',
   'type': 'integer',
   'nullable': True,
   'metadata': {}},
  {'name': 'product_code',
   'type': 'integer',
   'nullable': True,
   'metadata': {}},
  {'name': 'purchase_date', 'type': 'date', 'nullable': True, 'metadata': {}},
  {'name': 'return_date', 'type': 'date', 'nullable': True, 'metadata': {}},
  {'name': 'name', 'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'metadata': {}},
  {'name': 'emails',
   'type': {'type': 'array', 'elementType': 'string', 'containsNull': True},
   'nullable': True,
   'metadata': {}}]}

The library also returns schema, while handy Spark’s df.printSchema() is indeed missing:


{'type': 'struct',
 'fields': [{'name': 'purchase_id',
   'type': 'integer',
   'nullable': True,
   'metadata': {}},
  {'name': 'product_code',
   'type': 'integer',
   'nullable': True,
   'metadata': {}},
  {'name': 'purchase_date', 'type': 'date', 'nullable': True, 'metadata': {}},
  {'name': 'return_date', 'type': 'date', 'nullable': True, 'metadata': {}},
  {'name': 'name', 'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'metadata': {}},
  {'name': 'emails',
   'type': {'type': 'array', 'elementType': 'string', 'containsNull': True},
   'nullable': True,
   'metadata': {}}]}

Let’s prepare the dataset for querying:

import duckdb

pyarrow_dataset = dt.to_pyarrow_dataset()
sample_dataset = duckdb.arrow(pyarrow_dataset)

And then eventually query it using the Spark-like syntax of DuckDB:

sample_dataset.filter("purchase_id = 1000000").project("purchase_id, product_code, name")

│ purchase_id │ product_code │        name        │
│    int32    │    int32     │      varchar       │
│     1000000 │         7503 │ test               │
│     1000000 │         9981 │ aliquip M. eiusmod │
│     1000000 │         5467 │ nisi Z. quis       │
│     1000000 │         9854 │ test               │
│     1000000 │         7499 │ test               │
│     1000000 │         4288 │ test               │
│     1000000 │         9674 │ NULL               │
│     1000000 │         3593 │ ipsum laboris      │
│     1000000 │         4885 │ fugiat C. commodo  │
│     1000000 │         2343 │ commodo H. in      │
│ 10 rows                               3 columns │

The next step is to run the analytics query that I used earlier in this article:

query =  """ 
	count(distinct purchase_id) as purchases,
	count(emails) as emails
from sample_dataset
group by purchase_date
order by 2 desc
limit 5


│ purchase_date │ purchases │ emails │
│     date      │   int64   │ int64  │
│ 2018-08-21    │     79148 │  82085 │
│ 2018-08-12    │     79132 │  82024 │
│ 2018-02-03    │     78976 │  81911 │
│ 2018-04-29    │     78913 │  81813 │
│ 2018-05-23    │     78897 │  81849 │

It was finished in 0.7 seconds in DuckDB versus 4.5 seconds in PySpark.

The query output can also be materialized to the pandas dataframe:

Figure 4: Query result as pandas dataframe

Create new datasets using Delta-RS and DuckDB.

Let’s now write the outcome of the query back to the delta lake and check if the dataset exists:

from deltalake.writer import write_deltalake

arrow_table = duckdb.query(query).to_arrow_table()



[{'timestamp': 1682098595580, 'delta-rs': '0.8.0'},
 {'timestamp': 1682098622494,
  'operation': 'WRITE',
  'operationParameters': {'partitionBy': '[]', 'mode': 'Overwrite'},
  'clientVersion': 'delta-rs.0.8.0'}]

Check the dataset generated by Delta-RS in PySpark.

As the final exploration, let’s ensure that PySpark can read datasets generated outside and that there are no computability issues:"delta").load("delta/demo_dataset_groupby_rust").show()

|   2018-08-21|    79148| 82085|
|   2018-08-12|    79132| 82024|
|   2018-02-03|    78976| 81911|
|   2018-04-29|    78913| 81813|
|   2018-05-23|    78897| 81849|

Luckily, this is not the case. Spark can still use delta objects generated outside.

Let’s also check how Pyspark can read metadata of history created by the package outside. This time I install spark’s version of delta:

%pip install delta-spark

I noticed that not all fields of the delta history formed by the side delta writer are available in the PySpark:

from delta import DeltaTable

    .forPath(path="delta/demo_dataset_groupby_rust", sparkSession=spark)

|version|           timestamp|userId|userName|operation| operationParameters| job|notebook|clusterId|readVersion|isolationLevel|isBlindAppend|operationMetrics|userMetadata|engineInfo|
|      2|2023-04-21 19:37:...|  null|    null|    WRITE|{partitionBy -> [...|null|    null|     null|       null|          null|         null|            null|        null|      null|
|      1|2023-04-21 19:37:...|  null|    null|    WRITE|{mode -> Overwrit...|null|    null|     null|       null|          null|         null|            null|        null|      null|
|      0|2023-04-21 19:36:...|  null|    null|     null|                null|null|    null|     null|       null|          null|         null|            null|        null|      null|

So only essential columns are filled: versiontimestampoperation, and operationParameters.

Some potential use cases

Delta-RS is a relatively young and actively developed library; however, it can already be a helpful addition to the tool stack of the data teams:

  • Data Science: The discussed combination of libraries might be beneficial in data exploration because it still offers SQL interface but might provide a more robust response with less involved resources
  • Data Engineering: Low-latency ETLs on small to medium-size datasets.
  • Cost Saving: Reading and writing Delta Lake datasets in Python without the need for spark, which could be helpful for smaller teams or projects with limited resources.


Delta-RS and DuckDB offer an alternative to spark for querying and writing Delta Lake datasets. With the ability to run analytics queries and create new datasets, these libraries can be a useful addition to a data team’s toolbox. Furthermore, they can provide cost savings for smaller teams or projects with limited resources.