Automated Refresh of Databases on Development Servers
Databases that have to be copied from a production server
It happens that databases in testing and especially acceptance environments needed to be refreshed by restoring backups from a production environment. The backup restore is seems like a trivial operation that can be done via SQL Server Management Studio wizard or via prepared T-SQL scripts.However, there are some complications that come into play during this:
- Multiple databases to be restored at once
- The data refresh requires both: the latest FULL and the latest DIFF to be restored one by one.
- The outdated databases still have established sleeping sessions, they all have to be terminated before firing a restore
- And the most important, developers want to perform such refreshes in an automated way, without manual scripting and without walking through all knobs of the wizard
A stored procedure to have the routine automated
Because those listed above complications happens on a frequent basis I’ve created a stored procedure [dbo].[uspRefreshDB]
It has the following parameters:
Parameter | Description | Type | Default Value |
@dbName | A database name to refresh | sysname | No default value |
@FullBackupDir | Path to full backups | nvarchar(500) | ’\\NAS\Backup\FULL’ |
@DiffBackupDir | Path to DIFF backups | nvarchar(500) | ’\\NAS\Backup\DIFF’ |
The source code can be retrieved from the GitHub repository github/avolok/scripts or by direct download: [dbo].[uspRefreshDB].
A. Refreshing a single database
This example refreshes just a single database by restoring a latest full and then diff backup:
EXEC [dbo].[uspRefreshDB] 'DWH_ERR'
It will create a snapshot with name AdventureWorks2016_snapshot . If such a snapshot already exists the procedure will results to an information message:
-- Restoring database: [DWH_ERR]. -- Full backup to be restored: NLC1DWHSQLCLS1_DWHDEPROD_DWH_ERR_Full_20190915_030700.BAK -- Diff backup to be restored: NLC1DWHSQLCLS1_DWHDEPROD_DWH_ERR_Diff_20190914_043839.BAK -- Command 1: ALTER DATABASE [DWH_ERR] SET SINGLE_USER WITH ROLLBACK IMMEDIATE -------------------------------------- -- Command 2: RESTORE DATABASE [DWH_ERR] FROM DISK = '\\backupshare\sql_backups\Regular\Full\NLC1DWHSQLCLS1\NLC1DWHSQLCLS1_DWHDEPROD_DWH_ERR_Full_20190915_030700.BAK' WITH NORECOVERY, REPLACE, STATS=20 -- 39 percent processed. -- 59 percent processed. -- 78 percent processed. -- 98 percent processed. -- 100 percent processed. -- Processed 384 pages for database 'DWH_ERR', file 'DWH_ERR' on file 1. -- Processed 136 pages for database 'DWH_ERR', file 'DWH_ERR_DATA' on file 1. -- Processed 128 pages for database 'DWH_ERR', file 'DWH_ERR_INDEX' on file 1. -- Processed 2 pages for database 'DWH_ERR', file 'DWH_ERR_LOG' on file 1. -- RESTORE DATABASE successfully processed 650 pages in 0.249 seconds (20.364 MB/sec).
B. Restoring Multiple Databases
Folowing snippet executes restore commands sequentially:
EXEC [dbo].[uspRefreshDB] 'DWH_ERR' EXEC [dbo].[uspRefreshDB] 'DWH_LOG'